Juniper Mist WiFi Access Point Licensing Options

£97.10 exc vat
£116.52 inc vat



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Note : Licenses include software updates upgrades cloud function subscriptions and limited lifetime warranty benefits on indoor access points

Access Point Licensing

With the MIST Access points there are 5 services available that will need to be licensed if required (depending on if you have the AP’s which support Bluetooth functionality).

The two services in red are the services which require the Bluetooth functionality within the AP.

The service in blue is the only Mandatory service, the WiFi Assurance is required on all AP’s for functionality in the MIST cloud/ platform.

  • WiFi Assurance Subscription for oen access point (SUB-MAN-BND)
  • Virtual Network Assistant Subscription for wireless operations (SUB-VNA-BND)
  • Asset Visibility Subscription for one access point (SUB-AST-BND)
  • BLE Engagement Subscriptions for oen access point (SUB-ENG-BND)
  • Premium Analytics Subscription fro deeper insights into Wireless Network & Location Services (SUB-PMA-BND)


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Note : Licenses include software updates upgrades cloud function subscriptions and limited lifetime warranty benefits on indoor access points

Access Point Licensing

With the MIST Access points there are 5 services available that will need to be licensed if required (depending on if you have the AP’s which support Bluetooth functionality).

The two services in red are the services which require the Bluetooth functionality within the AP.

The service in blue is the only Mandatory service, the WiFi Assurance is required on all AP’s for functionality in the MIST cloud/ platform.

  • WiFi Assurance Subscription for oen access point (SUB-MAN-BND)
  • Virtual Network Assistant Subscription for wireless operations (SUB-VNA-BND)
  • Asset Visibility Subscription for one access point (SUB-AST-BND)
  • BLE Engagement Subscriptions for oen access point (SUB-ENG-BND)
  • Premium Analytics Subscription fro deeper insights into Wireless Network & Location Services (SUB-PMA-BND)


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